Saturday, 7 July 2012

Professional Videos

Tips for professional videos
1) Good camera
Same as below,  widescreen and high quality, possibly HD.
2) Letterbox?
Many films nowadays actually have a letterbox screen by default at the top and bottom despite being in widescreen. Try it
3) Colours
Try changing the colours a bit
If you're in a dark city, wash the colours out, increase the blues,
if you're in the country chasing rabbits, turn up the greens.
Even try colour correction
4) 24 frames per second please!
Frames per second, is the number of frames or pictures that make up a moving image per second. A lot of video cameras shoot at higher framerates of 30 or 60 while film cameras typically shoot at 24 or 23.973 to be precise. This is why video appears 'smoother', while it may look good with some things, for a movie, it just looks wrong, put it on 24p and your footage straightaway will appear more professional.

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